  1. Getting Started
  2. Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to 2020s

Radash is the next library you can’t live without. First and foremost, it’s powerful. With those powerful functions, you get strong types and zero dependencies. If you can step out in a bit of faith and try the functions out, I have no doubt you’ll find yourself falling in love.

Come, dip your toe in the water. Here are a few functions we can’t live without anymore. Hopefully, you’ll find them useful as well.


The _.try function abstracts the logical fork of a try/catch and provides an error first callback reminiscent response.

const [err, response] = await _.try(api.gods.create)({ name: 'Ra' })
if (err) {
  throw new Error('Your god is weak and could not be created')


The _.range function returns a generator that can be used for iterating. This means you’ll never have to write a for (let i) loop again — and you shouldn’t.

for (const i of _.range(0, 4)) {
  console.log(i) // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

for (const i of _.range(10, 20, 2)) {
  console.log(i) // 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20


The _.select function takes a mapper and filter function and runs them together for you in a single iteration. No more writing a reduce because you need to map and filter, and you don’t want to implement them separately for performance’s sake.

const superPoweredGodsFromEgypt = _.select(
  g => ({ ...g, power: g.power * g.power }), 
  g => g.culture === 'egypt'


The _.defer function lets you register functions to run as cleanup while running an async function. It’s like a try/finally, but you can register the finally block at specific times.

await _.defer(async (defer) => {
  await api.builds.updateStatus('in-progress')
  defer((err) => {
    api.builds.updateStatus(err ? 'failed' : 'success')

  defer(() => {

  await build()


The _.objectify function helps you convert a list to an object in one step. Typically, we either do this in two steps or write a reduce.

const godsByCulture = _.objectify(gods, g => g.name, g => g.culture)

Love and Hate


Lodash was incredible. When JavaScript was still maturing, it provided the power to things you couldn’t easily do in the vanilla. That was last decade. In this decade, the needs are different. The goal with Radash is to provide the powerful functions you need, not the ones the runtimes now provide, and to do it with great types and source code that’s easy to read and understand.

Saying No

Radash does not provide _.map or _.filter functions. They were helpful before optional chaining and nullish coalescing. Now, there really isn’t a need.

In the last ten years, the JavaScript community as a whole, and the Typescript community specifically, has moved closer to some key values: deterministic is good, polymorphic is bad, strong types are everything. A part of Lodash’s charm was that it let you pass different types to a function and get other behavior based on the type. An example is the _.map function, which can take a collection or an object and map over either. Radash doesn’t provide that kind of polymorphic behavior.

Sorry, not sorry.